terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2016

Old Cicero

The Young Francisco ran from the small airport, wanted to tell everything to his father. What was in the syringe road. I ran fast. Leaving her tears almost turn mud by the dust of your body.He did not stop at home ... He went into the woods and cried for her father, hoping to still make the plane return. Undaunted ounces or other animals, screaming. Safe Cicero abruptly the boy with both hands, calling her attention. When he saw the boy full of dust, with tears in his eyes, he calmed down, left Francisco breathe and when he was calmer said SANTA WAS AWAY! Father decried the "fib" and gave him almost a spanking when he got home Santa would have it. The boy insisted taking father to the city airport. There was confirmed the story of Francisco.Cicero blanched! The still dirty hands of the syringe milk, letting his gaze fall toward the ground. He turned away, walked a few meters, called Francisco, working day that was lost, went home silent. In his head just spent the words of his father. Of said curse. Words that weighed on the weary shoulders Cicero.When younger working with parents in the syringe cut and few opportunities visiting the city to buy groceries. It was when Cicero discovered the taste for rum. Once the young man left home to visit the city and promised to father a new shirt. Arriving in the city Cicero bought the groceries, he decided to stop at a watering hole. It was so named sites that sold drinks. There was still the shirt, but Cicero decided to make a short stop to wet his throat. The time has passed, he had forgotten his father's gift. Arriving back home drunk father asks just the shirt ... When Cicero says forgotten, but early return in the city and buy a shirt. The old man looked in the eyes of Cicero and spat fury of words, hatred and rancor: TU IS A BASTARD! NEVER WILL HAVE NOTHING IN LIFE. YOUR CHILDREN WILL YOU LEAVE ONE BY ONE. WILL DIE ALONE. ABANDONED! NOW HANDLE YOUR THINGS AND GO AWAY FROM MY HOUSE.Cicero in a hidden corner cried like a child. Words hurt and deeply hurt Cicero. Fight for life that his father's curse did not materialize. He held the hand of Francis as he had never held before. The boy could have sworn I saw a father's eye tear, but chose to believe still be his wet eyes. They came home and all came to the door to know flocked because never saw his father come so early at home. Francisco entered the small house and the brothers went back to see the small news. Cicero cried: BLACK! He was so called Rosalina woman. She sat beside him. Noted. He waited for the conversation ... He swallowed, looked at the sky. It was clean, with no cloud. He broke the news to his wife: SANTA WAS THOUGH. The woman questioned him about what he would do. Cicero looked all around. House, land, land, looked at the children and said: STARTS THINGS OUR CUPBOARD. THESE DAYS WE THOUGH FOR WHITE RIVER.He decided to leave all the family office. passed from father to son. It was time to go back to Santa. The family would not break as his father had said. He would not be abandoned by their children. The father's curse will not materialize. And as Cicero says: NOT CHORA MILK SHED.And they all went into the unknown. The state capital. White River.

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