Hoje preciso me afogar! Dentro do meu eu, das minhas vontades. Preciso me afogar.
Cansado do riso satírico em minha volta, dos maus e dos bons.
Das flores que não me deixam respirar.
Preciso me afogar.
Yuri Montezuma
terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2016
sábado, 15 de outubro de 2016
Por Dentro
Tudo começou como deve começar. Uma manhã cinza, com muitas nuvens, ameaçava chover, mas não caiu sequer uma gota. O tempo ficou abafado como deveria ficar. Ele levantou lentamente e sentou na cama. Observou lentamente o quarto, cada espaço, cada detalhe. Sentiu o cheiro frio que vinha do ar-condicionado.
Seus pés doíam como sempre no último ano. A dor já fazia parte dele, era como se fosse uma unha, um dedo, cabelos. Estava ali, sempre. Levantou e foi colocar ração para o peixe. Notou que o aquário estava sujo, mas não fez nada. Sentia a dor nos pés mais aguda. Quase chegava a franzir sua testa, mas caminhava como se nada estivesse acontecido. Abriu a geladeira e bebeu água como se estivesse seco. Uma garrafa inteira.
Foi para o banheiro e sentou no vaso. Lá pensou na briga que teve com a companheira na noite anterior. Levantou do vaso. Voltou e olhou ela deitada. Lentamente foi de volta para o banheiro. Tudo pareceu se clarear. Ela pediu o divorcio. Ele estava cansado de muita coisa também, de muita coisa e pensou em também se separar, mas qual casal não pensou? Definitivamente não queria separar!
Sempre falou com desenvoltura sobre vários assuntos. Futebol, teatro, política. Era social. Apesar do rosto sério que na maioria das vezes apresentava. Muitas vezes se divertiu sem abrir um sorriso durante a noite inteira. Várias pessoas o perguntavam se estava bem quando sério. Para tudo se tinha assunto. Falava!
E o sentimento? O sentimento é vários! Falar que era o problema. Não consegue externalizar o que sente de forma fluente. Os sentimentos eram seu ponto franco. Sua Kriptonita. Isso levou seu relacionamento para o buraco. Muitas coisas queria falar para ela, mas dentro tudo era furação. Apesar da casca ser completamente inalterada. Quantas vezes o atacaram e na sua frieza externa demostrava não sentir nada. No entanto, quando só sentia. Sentia. Muito.
Saiu do quarto e foi em direção a casa, tomou seu café, desceu lentamente e por vezes quase o engasgava. O gato que dormia no sofá acordou, espreguiçou, levantou a vista e olhou para ele como se dissesse que estava acabado da noite anterior na rua. A senhora perguntou se estava bem. Sim. Sempre sim.
Nunca lhe foi dado a oportunidade de sentir-se mal. Nunca. Toda vez era julgado como se fosse uma máquina. Não podia sentir. Toda vez que sentia era uma catástrofe. Essa máquina não poderia parar. Principalmente para quem tem pré disposição a depressão. Para ela que estava no grupo feminista da cidade, acompanhando ações em grupos de face book, tudo o que ele pudesse sentir era coisa de homem melindrado. Coisa do macho opressor. Ele foi calando em casa. Calando com muita coisa para dizer. Sem dizer. Como sempre a casca não sentia. Isso ele conseguia esconder. Ao menos tentava. Por dentro gritava feito um lunático. Ouviu da companheira que era um potencial estuprador. Calou de vez!
Aquelas palavras doeram nele, foi um efeito devastador, respirava mal. Comprou cigarro na esquina. Fumou o primeiro e logo o segundo. Tinha coisas para resolver. Não podia parar. Máquina com defeito se troca. Essa é a maldita lógica. Rodou a cidade o dia inteiro. Pela a primeira vez não sentiu vontade de voltar para casa. Queria gritar. Não gritou!
Voltou! Atravessou o portão, deu boa noite para as pessoas da casa. Foi para o quarto. Estava vazio. Pegou o aquário, colocou o peixe em um vaso, limpou o aquário. Fumou mais dois cigarros. Sentou na cama. Respirou fundo. Quis chorar. Ela chegou!
Foi para o banheiro. Tomou banho. Voltou com o rosto sereno. Sorriu!
Deitou e dormiu.
segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2016
Temporada do Espetáculo "Noite de Diabo Danado"

A Cia Tanto de Lá Quanto de Cá está contando os dias para a temporada do seu mais novo espetáculo "Noite de Diabo Danado", com um elenco formado apenas por mulheres e com uma equipe comprometida com o resultado do processo cênico vem desenvolvendo e cumprindo o que foi acordado quando foi criada. Montar um espetáculo novo por ano! Sabemos as dificuldades para se produzir teatro. Dificuldade que se mostra em dobro quando falamos de região norte do país. Mesmo assim estamos firme no proposito pelo qual nos comprometemos. Evoé Baco!
Segundo a ONU 7% da população da América Latina se destina a prostituição. Na sociedade vender o corpo por dinheiro ainda é um tabu. Na Índia as dançarinas religiosas foram as primeiras prostitutas. No espetáculo "Noite de Diabo Danado" de autoria de Yuri Montezuma é colocado em cena a realidade da mulher de "vida fácil", suas angustias, suas esperanças e tristezas. Que essas mulheres por força do destino aprenderam as malícias da vida, da política da sobrevivência e por que não dizer os "Paranauês" de uma sociedade opressora e machista. Gabriela, Paula e Eduarda, estão esperando por clientes que nunca chegam. Nessa espera surge espaço para suas críticas, desejos, frustrações. Em uma noite que o diabo anda solto. Que políticos xingam as "pobres" prostitutas enquanto votavam seus projetos da "família" e ao mesmo tempo assistem vídeo pornô. Gabriela, Eduarda e Paula tem a solução. Quem sabe o governo não cobrará imposto pro sexo.
Assim é Noite de Diabo Danado, pois puta não tem que questionar. Puta tem que dar!
Faixa etária: 16 ANOS
Elenco: Allana Khristie, Andressa Batista, Karol Paim.
Música: Piero Aranibar
Execução Musical: Jailanne Almeida
Assistente de direção: Amanda Talita
Preparação corporal: Breno Souza
Cenografia : Alex Pimentel e Allana Khristie
Maquiagem: Allana Khristie
Direção de arte: Allana Khristie
Iluminação: Luiz Rabico
Arte Gráfica: Mayara Montenegro
Direção Geral e Produção: Yuri Montezuma de Souza
Música: Piero Aranibar
Execução Musical: Jailanne Almeida
Assistente de direção: Amanda Talita
Preparação corporal: Breno Souza
Cenografia : Alex Pimentel e Allana Khristie
Maquiagem: Allana Khristie
Direção de arte: Allana Khristie
Iluminação: Luiz Rabico
Arte Gráfica: Mayara Montenegro
Direção Geral e Produção: Yuri Montezuma de Souza
Realização: Cia Tanto de Lá Quanto de Cá
Entrada: 20$ e 10$ Meia
Financiador: Prefeitura de Rio Branco através do Fundo Municipal de Cultura - FMC 2015/ FGB
terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2016
Night Tales - A woman bus
Second of any day ...
report I
I wake up every day religiously 4:30 am to be able to go to work, as caught two buses and each takes longer than the other. Shower missing fifteen minutes to next hour. Always a quick shower. I take the coffee I leave prepared the day before, it is now usually warm, as wafer most of the time since leaving bread for a long time in the basket without consuming it spoils. Passing just say that I am forgotten and end up forgetting to eat bread before literally my money go to waste. Although very fond of bread.I'm close to thirty, bald, thin, dark. As I speak with you drink a beer that I can no longer identify the brand or whether it is still cold or if I'm drinking a broth in the bottle. But leaving the formalities and considering that we are already almost friends. I want to make one thing clear between us: I'm on your side now. We need to work ..I go to the gate that looks like a prison grid, more stagger a few steps to reach a second gate out on the street. Street is unpaved and some neighbors threw broken bricks to soften the dust in summer and mud in winter. That day to leave the house I came across a tall, thin lady. I freaked out by that one time only found in the darkness some dogs barking and some vagrants cats that were the sound of the night. The night was theirs and I unnoticed to not be an intruder in a private party, why not cats meow for free in the morning, and I come across a woman standing like a statue.
She - Good morning.
In a mixture of fear, lust and curiosity, said dry - Good morning - A shiver took me account of the back and down the legs. Soon he gave me thoughts I could not believe it. I wanted to start her white dress, hair that hung down to his ass, biting.
She - going to work?
Turning to me as a race car and a guilty smile - yes.
She - I can accompany you to the bus stop? According too early and this is very dangerous for a woman.
We climbed a dirt street beat for five minutes. Enough to get to the bus stop ... She told me things about the place where we lived and my part just watched those eyes through the darkness and cold gray dawn. That day seemed darker than usual, the dogs that would normally be barking without stopping to hear the footsteps of pedestrians who passed by there this time were silent trembling with fear. Fear of what?You'll get driving? - I insisted wanting to get out some of that presentation of conversation. I am not a historian and I have no vocation for such a thing.
Their haste does not take you anywhere - the woman replied with an ice cube in his eyes and it made me climb a chill down your spine, the skin move each centimeter like take off the muscles and the same occurred with the bones wanting to drop the organs. Finquei feet on the ground and kept walking.A thousand thoughts peopled my head "as a woman so insecure and scared the little time puts me a hell of fear?"
I do not put fear in you or put? - Seemed to read my mind and it left me dry throat, voice cracking, cold hand, sweaty.No, of course you did not put me scared. Why should I be afraid of you? After all I am a man and you a woman ... I theoretically much stronger than you could handle the situation easily.
Of course. - He left a smile on the face of the corner and it made me think about running, but ...
The bus - said relieved ... could get out of this embarrassing situation. Would be close to others like us and this could reverse the time to "terror" passed earlier. That was just a situation of a strange day. They looked at me, eyes, chest, face and sex. Dream, nightmare, I was pale as a ghost. In my daydream I was interrupted.
You will not go roulette? - I said it naturally.
Of course I will! - The collector stared
As everything seemed to pass slowly. It appeared the head of a drunk staggering on sidewalks and in alleys, anchored in Botiquin. We traveled. The road making waves, threw me from one side to the other. As if my body no longer obey me ... As if their own accord, I was there?
I sat on the chair and it all happened like I'm going into a tunnel. The lights come faster and faster pounding against my chest, my face against us. Soon I was in my destiny of all dawns. The dump, local exchanges, the place of the masses. The Central Terminal. I raised my skinny ass from his chair and left the bus like a hum. I sat on the bench and I realized that the woman was gone, then took a walk around looking all directions, but could not catch sight of such a creature. It was a shame because he was watching those breasts, legs, thighs, and everything had to horny that piece of meat. The day should be equal to others. Boring, hard work and again come home reeking more than wet dog rain, but suddenly I felt that breathing up my back. I'm sure it was not human ... It looked like a smoke and suddenly ...
Hi - She said almost touching my ear.
Took a deep breath and the air seemed to tear the lungs, just choking on my saliva, I never felt feeling worse.
Hi - I said in a mixture of fear and lust.
Her like a curious child - You go to the other side of town, is not it?
Yes ... but I'm going towards the village of industrial. - I spoke firmly, absolute master of me.
I am also going in that direction - said with a cloudy look.
You wait one second while I get a coffee and something to eat ... Want to take something or eat? - I've never been good with women and this explains the solitude.
No - He smiled.
I headed towards the street vendors were there selling a bit of everything. Stretching his arms through the bars separating the inside from the outside of the platform. Some screaming, others picking up and others showing their wares. For my part I was all an excuse to get away from that creature, but not to pass a liar ... I bought coffee that was the appropriate drink for those who will work so early, some bread that was really hungry and to complete this diet healthy some fried pastries. When I turned back to the platform my bus was about to leave. I ran, almost burning me with the coffee was boiling.This time I was invited to go to his side, but the charge that brought not allowed ... I sat occupying two seats. With my housing, the other with the food for a second forget that woman ... I ate, ate, ate, everything seemed a grane Manja.When I finished eating was stopping in front of my work (Pause)
Sorry I did not say how it was my job. It is a very small building two by two, but when you open the door it becomes in a huge kilometric room with several beds and next to each bed there is a chair that is for us to sit and thus accomplish our task.
Let's go back to it ... After eating like a prince, at last was ready to start the day. What amazed me was the openness with which my companions received the woman. Much respect and at the same time wonder. I signed some protocols and when I look at my industry I see that in my bed there was two chairs. One on one side and another very beautiful, black as the darkness of hell.At the time I wanted to know what it was, but all said they were better off for my industry that everything would be clarified. Parti fearful and counting the steps, but it passed quickly and when I realized I was putting my ass on the chair. I took a deep breath and ...
Hi - Again the voice of nothing.
Looking said - Hi ... You !?
It was her ... But what is she doing here? I wondered ungrounded. Making my rationality asked. Who really are you?
Do not worry, I'm here for someone else and not you - answered firmly.
Who then? - I asked curiously.
I am because of the player and that soon will be in bed. (Break)
Well, I forgot to tell. My work starts soon so you go to bed player.
Let us return to the conversation ... Interesting - I answered
I do not say my name to anyone, but you behaved was a boy ... My name is DEATH.
I spent a cold the body, but then realized it was not just me but the whole environment ... let out a wry smile, took a deep breath and said - My name is NIGHTMARE and every night I come here to destroy his night. When he (a) if it will be like?
Always have another (a) ... - Laughed
You will still want to take me to bed? - She asked with a mischievous look.
I looked again and laughed, then said - I'd rather not risk it.
A new laugh.
We can go out after work and eat, drink something and maybe even celebrate once again their success. - I said confidently.
And to my surprise the answer was yes.
So my dear bed waiting for you in bed and please do not go to be late, because today is a special meeting. Is your DEATH. And that's the kind of thing that is not delayed.
And as I said at the beginning of our story ... I'm with you always.
report I
I wake up every day religiously 4:30 am to be able to go to work, as caught two buses and each takes longer than the other. Shower missing fifteen minutes to next hour. Always a quick shower. I take the coffee I leave prepared the day before, it is now usually warm, as wafer most of the time since leaving bread for a long time in the basket without consuming it spoils. Passing just say that I am forgotten and end up forgetting to eat bread before literally my money go to waste. Although very fond of bread.I'm close to thirty, bald, thin, dark. As I speak with you drink a beer that I can no longer identify the brand or whether it is still cold or if I'm drinking a broth in the bottle. But leaving the formalities and considering that we are already almost friends. I want to make one thing clear between us: I'm on your side now. We need to work ..I go to the gate that looks like a prison grid, more stagger a few steps to reach a second gate out on the street. Street is unpaved and some neighbors threw broken bricks to soften the dust in summer and mud in winter. That day to leave the house I came across a tall, thin lady. I freaked out by that one time only found in the darkness some dogs barking and some vagrants cats that were the sound of the night. The night was theirs and I unnoticed to not be an intruder in a private party, why not cats meow for free in the morning, and I come across a woman standing like a statue.
She - Good morning.
In a mixture of fear, lust and curiosity, said dry - Good morning - A shiver took me account of the back and down the legs. Soon he gave me thoughts I could not believe it. I wanted to start her white dress, hair that hung down to his ass, biting.
She - going to work?
Turning to me as a race car and a guilty smile - yes.
She - I can accompany you to the bus stop? According too early and this is very dangerous for a woman.
We climbed a dirt street beat for five minutes. Enough to get to the bus stop ... She told me things about the place where we lived and my part just watched those eyes through the darkness and cold gray dawn. That day seemed darker than usual, the dogs that would normally be barking without stopping to hear the footsteps of pedestrians who passed by there this time were silent trembling with fear. Fear of what?You'll get driving? - I insisted wanting to get out some of that presentation of conversation. I am not a historian and I have no vocation for such a thing.
Their haste does not take you anywhere - the woman replied with an ice cube in his eyes and it made me climb a chill down your spine, the skin move each centimeter like take off the muscles and the same occurred with the bones wanting to drop the organs. Finquei feet on the ground and kept walking.A thousand thoughts peopled my head "as a woman so insecure and scared the little time puts me a hell of fear?"
I do not put fear in you or put? - Seemed to read my mind and it left me dry throat, voice cracking, cold hand, sweaty.No, of course you did not put me scared. Why should I be afraid of you? After all I am a man and you a woman ... I theoretically much stronger than you could handle the situation easily.
Of course. - He left a smile on the face of the corner and it made me think about running, but ...
The bus - said relieved ... could get out of this embarrassing situation. Would be close to others like us and this could reverse the time to "terror" passed earlier. That was just a situation of a strange day. They looked at me, eyes, chest, face and sex. Dream, nightmare, I was pale as a ghost. In my daydream I was interrupted.
You will not go roulette? - I said it naturally.
Of course I will! - The collector stared
As everything seemed to pass slowly. It appeared the head of a drunk staggering on sidewalks and in alleys, anchored in Botiquin. We traveled. The road making waves, threw me from one side to the other. As if my body no longer obey me ... As if their own accord, I was there?
I sat on the chair and it all happened like I'm going into a tunnel. The lights come faster and faster pounding against my chest, my face against us. Soon I was in my destiny of all dawns. The dump, local exchanges, the place of the masses. The Central Terminal. I raised my skinny ass from his chair and left the bus like a hum. I sat on the bench and I realized that the woman was gone, then took a walk around looking all directions, but could not catch sight of such a creature. It was a shame because he was watching those breasts, legs, thighs, and everything had to horny that piece of meat. The day should be equal to others. Boring, hard work and again come home reeking more than wet dog rain, but suddenly I felt that breathing up my back. I'm sure it was not human ... It looked like a smoke and suddenly ...
Hi - She said almost touching my ear.
Took a deep breath and the air seemed to tear the lungs, just choking on my saliva, I never felt feeling worse.
Hi - I said in a mixture of fear and lust.
Her like a curious child - You go to the other side of town, is not it?
Yes ... but I'm going towards the village of industrial. - I spoke firmly, absolute master of me.
I am also going in that direction - said with a cloudy look.
You wait one second while I get a coffee and something to eat ... Want to take something or eat? - I've never been good with women and this explains the solitude.
No - He smiled.
I headed towards the street vendors were there selling a bit of everything. Stretching his arms through the bars separating the inside from the outside of the platform. Some screaming, others picking up and others showing their wares. For my part I was all an excuse to get away from that creature, but not to pass a liar ... I bought coffee that was the appropriate drink for those who will work so early, some bread that was really hungry and to complete this diet healthy some fried pastries. When I turned back to the platform my bus was about to leave. I ran, almost burning me with the coffee was boiling.This time I was invited to go to his side, but the charge that brought not allowed ... I sat occupying two seats. With my housing, the other with the food for a second forget that woman ... I ate, ate, ate, everything seemed a grane Manja.When I finished eating was stopping in front of my work (Pause)
Sorry I did not say how it was my job. It is a very small building two by two, but when you open the door it becomes in a huge kilometric room with several beds and next to each bed there is a chair that is for us to sit and thus accomplish our task.
Let's go back to it ... After eating like a prince, at last was ready to start the day. What amazed me was the openness with which my companions received the woman. Much respect and at the same time wonder. I signed some protocols and when I look at my industry I see that in my bed there was two chairs. One on one side and another very beautiful, black as the darkness of hell.At the time I wanted to know what it was, but all said they were better off for my industry that everything would be clarified. Parti fearful and counting the steps, but it passed quickly and when I realized I was putting my ass on the chair. I took a deep breath and ...
Hi - Again the voice of nothing.
Looking said - Hi ... You !?
It was her ... But what is she doing here? I wondered ungrounded. Making my rationality asked. Who really are you?
Do not worry, I'm here for someone else and not you - answered firmly.
Who then? - I asked curiously.
I am because of the player and that soon will be in bed. (Break)
Well, I forgot to tell. My work starts soon so you go to bed player.
Let us return to the conversation ... Interesting - I answered
I do not say my name to anyone, but you behaved was a boy ... My name is DEATH.
I spent a cold the body, but then realized it was not just me but the whole environment ... let out a wry smile, took a deep breath and said - My name is NIGHTMARE and every night I come here to destroy his night. When he (a) if it will be like?
Always have another (a) ... - Laughed
You will still want to take me to bed? - She asked with a mischievous look.
I looked again and laughed, then said - I'd rather not risk it.
A new laugh.
We can go out after work and eat, drink something and maybe even celebrate once again their success. - I said confidently.
And to my surprise the answer was yes.
So my dear bed waiting for you in bed and please do not go to be late, because today is a special meeting. Is your DEATH. And that's the kind of thing that is not delayed.
And as I said at the beginning of our story ... I'm with you always.
The piece
The piece
Yuri Montezuma
Small ancient or modern theater. Whatever. Who decided how is going to be you. A table, two chairs, a chandelier, old photos on the walls, telephone in the right corner of the stage.Camila is a lady of a certain age, widow. Mother of Claudinho. It uses an apron. Typical owner of old house. For her time has not passed.Claudio de Almeida da Silva Junior - The Claudinho, Camila's son. He is an actor. Stripped, attractive and young woman who already spends twenty-five, but has not yet reached the age of thirty.Paula, an actress who has surpassed twenty, but has not yet reached the twenty-fifth. Live their characters intensely. Arriving in need of psychoanalysis to return to a normal life.The three friends Paula, who go to the theater for the first time.
The scenario is the same for Claudinho house. It is also used for subsequent actions and may be part of the show GRAPES green, which Claudinho and Paula made for romantic.
The lights will be lighting. The stage is empty. The phone rings.
Camila - (in and answering the phone) Hello. Paula No ... no it is not. To tell the truth he traveled and is unlikely to return anytime soon. You can let me let you know. You're welcome. To you too. (Yelling) Claudio de Almeida da Silva Junior ...Claudinho - (entering) Claudinho mother! And what is it?Camila - This is the hundredth time that this girl league behind you! She's pregnant?Claudinho - No ... She's a crazy cast schism to marry me! Just because we did romantic couple on the show.Camila - GRAPES green ... Show scrotum name ... And do not you say you do not want? (Leaves)Claudinho - (Explaining to the mother as if speaking the room to acozinha) I better tell you how it all began ... (He begins to tell the story, the light is changing the environment for the staging of the final scene of GRAPES green, Paul enters from the opposite side that Camila and Claudinho had entered).
GRAPES green (A small scene)
Paula - (panting Entering, heart in mouth) I got ... I killed Andrew, and we can finally be happy.Claudinho - Now I feel free from everything. The accusations, persecution of all evil ...Paula. - Kiss Me José (The two kiss passionately)
(The show environment, changes to the three friends who are sitting in the audience mixed with the public).Amiga I - They kissed ...Amiga II - And she said she would keep her kiss to AntonioAmiga III - The kiss in the theater is not really ... Let bullshit and watch.
(Someone shouts from the audience)
- Bravo ... Excellent. Wonderful.
(Both are grateful, applauding the audience, receive flowers, praise, silence in the room, now all turned to a post-presentation environment).
Claudinho - Paula, we have to rehearse that best sex scene ... You can never go all the way ... We always have to settle with the light.Paula - Sorry Claudinho ... is that I promised ... And my only promised to see what will be his.Claudinho - Promised? I thought that was a thing of the past, the ancient emperors who wanted to gather and aggregate kingdoms.Paula - Well, know that there are still families as well. Who keep their daughters for a groom chosen for them and that we only see in marriage.Claudinho - This is absurd ... You have to change thisPaula - (confident) - I changed ... I talked to my promised. His name is Antonio.
Claudinho - Less bad! She spoke to him.Paula - Phone.(Silence)Claudinho - Phone?Paula - Yes.Claudinho - you have how many years ... will marry so young?Paula - In my family is like that.Claudinho - You have to live your life ... To know the world, new people, experiences ... I do not know ... Live.Paula - You're right! I have to live and meet new people, other environments, venture out.Claudinho - That! Decide what is best for you, for your future, be able to choose with whom to stay.Paula - Can you give me a second ... (leaves the scene)Claudinho - What happened?Paula - I called the Anthony, my boyfriend.Claudinho - I know ... I know what went down?Paula - You were right ... I finished everything with Antonio ...Claudinho - Good ...Paula - And I will marry you.(The environment changes for the friends who are in the audience)Amiga I - She did what?Amiga II - spoke that ended everything with Antonio ...Amiga III - Stop speculation. She must have the wrong text.Amiga I - I think it was wrong to shame in the face.Amiga II - the Antonio Poor.Amiga III - Poor me I have to take you.Amiga II - Do not exaggerate ...Amiga III - I'm trying to follow the story ...Amiga I - (Cutting) Why do not you join?Amiga III - If you shut up!Amiga II - Not here who spoke.
(The scene switches to Claudinho house)
Camila - (entering) So you were the pivot of the separation of Claudinho girl ?!Claudinho - Of course not mom ... I just thought wrong, such a young girl marry early.Camila - and could not keep his mouth shut ...Claudinho - It's just not end there. Remember I had an accident? Yeah...
(Resumes the story, now the mother of Claudinho doing medical).
Amiga I - I think she must have given even a foot in Anthony. What do you think?Amiga II - I do not think ... I'm sure is. This horn was scenic.Amiga III - Stop doing bad for our friend ... We all know she's blind love for Anthony. Or you both watch the show or I'm leaving.Amiga I - we are not got used to watch these things ...Amiga II - (Cutting) is usually hidden.Amiga III - What is hidden?Amiga I - This encrypt!Amiga II - worthy of awards.Amiga III - And you two worthy of shame.
Now Claudinho is lying in serving litter. Breathing is the basis of oxygen. Camila wears a Jaleco and is now a doctor.
Nurse - Hello your Claudinho. Its particular doctor wants to see you.Claudinho - But I have no particular doctor.Nurse - Your family must have hired! I'll ask for it to enter and leave alone.Paula - (Come with a medical lab coat and mask) Hi Claudinho!Claudinho - Paula ... You're not a doctor.Paula - I'm also ...Claudinho - How so?Paula - I played one on SATURDAY THE SEVEN show.Claudinho - My God!Paula - How do you make me fall in love ... I bought all the trousseau of our marriage, I did and sent the invitations I received and had to return all the gifts. These things do not make a woman.Claudinho - but did nothing ...Paula - Do not play dumb.Claudinho - You need help.Paula - What these buttons here do?Claudinho - keeps me breathing!Paula - (pressing the buttons) This is for you to feel everything I felt ... when you disappeared also gasped.Claudinho - Help ... Help.Paula - I love Claudinho ...Claudinho - And why are you trying to kill me?Paula - For love!Claudinho - Help ...
(The environment back to the friend).
Amiga I - I always knew that she was unbalanced ... Now dress medical. Quite frankly!Amiga II - This is family ...Amiga III - frankly you two! They do not know how to behave in a theater.Amiga II - I behave I know, but this is not theater ...Amiga I - Is that so?Amiga II - Madness.(Environment in Claudinho house)
Claudinho - Do you understand now why I am running this woman?Camila - If it was not your father come ...Claudinho - (Cutting) Today I was just history.Camila - Son ... that his play was very little time poster. With a meager audience.Claudinho - Copyright.Camila - Copyright also banned the public going to the theater?Claudinho - The scenic quality issues will not argue. But you have to agree that there was always someone in the audience shouting praise.Camila - was an actor hired by the production to cheer you.Claudinho - How so?Camila - A friend of mine ... I pointed to production.Claudinho - and criticism?Camila - Son! I did journalism and have contacts within the major newspapers. It was only a matter of a few phone calls.Claudinho - Sad ...Camila - (Cutting) And this girl is still behind you?Claudinho - Actually it off the map for a while ... But I was in the office ...Amiga I - Copyright ... I know.Amiga II - That piece was not made to make money ...Amiga III - It was bad ...Amiga I - Finally you speak and do not hit.Amiga II - is ... And that came out crying that piece ... I remember!Amiga III - Crying hatred. Now pay attention that is part of the office.Amiga I - What office?Amiga III - He spoke of an office.Amiga II - No longer do theater?Amiga III - I do I know?Amiga I - I ask not offend.
The environment is a typical office. Just roles.
Claudinho - (Sitting) This never hits calculation of shit ...Paula - Hi Claudinho!Claudinho - (Yelling like a woman to come across a cheap) ai, ai, ai, ai ... What do you want here?Paula - Quiet ... I'm just here to ask you apologize for having chased you.Claudinho - (Suspiciously) Okay ... are passé.Paula - left the theater?Claudinho - No ... But I also do production.Paula - Good ... Always on the art!Claudinho - And you?Paula - I'm standing, but with a proposal for a new show. It was very difficult ...Claudinho - (Cutting) Difficult what?Paula - And it was also very difficult to overcome hospitalization ...Claudinho - What hospital?Paula - I was hospitalized with post-partum depression.Claudinho - You never had children!Paula - I had yes! With you in green GRAPES.Claudinho - My God! Not again...Paula - (Cutting) Today I am healed ... and how the staff there will go home to celebrate the five years of the piece ... I came here to invite you and prove you have no resentment.Claudinho - If this is ... All right. Marked!Paula - Eight.Claudinho - Combined.(The friends)Amiga I - This will give shit!Amiga II - You know I think she was cured.Amiga III - She's crazy stone ... Lucky had was the Anthony not marry Paula.Amiga I - (Remember - if) never had any ... AntonioAmiga III - (Surprised) How so?Amiga I - Yesterday I received a book with the history of the show the last ten years here in town. And guess ... Antonio was one of the characters of one of the pieces that Paula participated.Amiga II - Stone Crazy.Claudinho - Understand Mom?Camila - Yes ...
(Showing that it was a theatrical rehearsal, the luzem light general).
Claudinho - So, how was the test?Amiga I - Claudio I liked ...Amiga II - I think it will work.Amiga III - will be a success.Camila - We need more testing.Claudinho - Let's rehearse more then ...Amiga I - What worries me is if Paula discovers ...Claudinho - The point is that it is in the old harbor and besides I changed the name of the characters.Camila - you have everything to work.Amiga I - will mark my return to the theater.Claudinho - I'm happy with all people ... Let's dinner?Amiga III - Come on ... I'm hungry! This test was hard.Amiga II - Someone paid my that after I return.Claudinho - Leave it to me.Camila - Let that little bar around the corner? There always has the best beer and the best price.Amiga I - All right.They took when suddenlyPaula - (Appearing in the middle of the theater audience and pregnant) Hi Claudinho.The light fades to total darkness.
Yuri Montezuma
Small ancient or modern theater. Whatever. Who decided how is going to be you. A table, two chairs, a chandelier, old photos on the walls, telephone in the right corner of the stage.Camila is a lady of a certain age, widow. Mother of Claudinho. It uses an apron. Typical owner of old house. For her time has not passed.Claudio de Almeida da Silva Junior - The Claudinho, Camila's son. He is an actor. Stripped, attractive and young woman who already spends twenty-five, but has not yet reached the age of thirty.Paula, an actress who has surpassed twenty, but has not yet reached the twenty-fifth. Live their characters intensely. Arriving in need of psychoanalysis to return to a normal life.The three friends Paula, who go to the theater for the first time.
The scenario is the same for Claudinho house. It is also used for subsequent actions and may be part of the show GRAPES green, which Claudinho and Paula made for romantic.
The lights will be lighting. The stage is empty. The phone rings.
Camila - (in and answering the phone) Hello. Paula No ... no it is not. To tell the truth he traveled and is unlikely to return anytime soon. You can let me let you know. You're welcome. To you too. (Yelling) Claudio de Almeida da Silva Junior ...Claudinho - (entering) Claudinho mother! And what is it?Camila - This is the hundredth time that this girl league behind you! She's pregnant?Claudinho - No ... She's a crazy cast schism to marry me! Just because we did romantic couple on the show.Camila - GRAPES green ... Show scrotum name ... And do not you say you do not want? (Leaves)Claudinho - (Explaining to the mother as if speaking the room to acozinha) I better tell you how it all began ... (He begins to tell the story, the light is changing the environment for the staging of the final scene of GRAPES green, Paul enters from the opposite side that Camila and Claudinho had entered).
GRAPES green (A small scene)
Paula - (panting Entering, heart in mouth) I got ... I killed Andrew, and we can finally be happy.Claudinho - Now I feel free from everything. The accusations, persecution of all evil ...Paula. - Kiss Me José (The two kiss passionately)
(The show environment, changes to the three friends who are sitting in the audience mixed with the public).Amiga I - They kissed ...Amiga II - And she said she would keep her kiss to AntonioAmiga III - The kiss in the theater is not really ... Let bullshit and watch.
(Someone shouts from the audience)
- Bravo ... Excellent. Wonderful.
(Both are grateful, applauding the audience, receive flowers, praise, silence in the room, now all turned to a post-presentation environment).
Claudinho - Paula, we have to rehearse that best sex scene ... You can never go all the way ... We always have to settle with the light.Paula - Sorry Claudinho ... is that I promised ... And my only promised to see what will be his.Claudinho - Promised? I thought that was a thing of the past, the ancient emperors who wanted to gather and aggregate kingdoms.Paula - Well, know that there are still families as well. Who keep their daughters for a groom chosen for them and that we only see in marriage.Claudinho - This is absurd ... You have to change thisPaula - (confident) - I changed ... I talked to my promised. His name is Antonio.
Claudinho - Less bad! She spoke to him.Paula - Phone.(Silence)Claudinho - Phone?Paula - Yes.Claudinho - you have how many years ... will marry so young?Paula - In my family is like that.Claudinho - You have to live your life ... To know the world, new people, experiences ... I do not know ... Live.Paula - You're right! I have to live and meet new people, other environments, venture out.Claudinho - That! Decide what is best for you, for your future, be able to choose with whom to stay.Paula - Can you give me a second ... (leaves the scene)Claudinho - What happened?Paula - I called the Anthony, my boyfriend.Claudinho - I know ... I know what went down?Paula - You were right ... I finished everything with Antonio ...Claudinho - Good ...Paula - And I will marry you.(The environment changes for the friends who are in the audience)Amiga I - She did what?Amiga II - spoke that ended everything with Antonio ...Amiga III - Stop speculation. She must have the wrong text.Amiga I - I think it was wrong to shame in the face.Amiga II - the Antonio Poor.Amiga III - Poor me I have to take you.Amiga II - Do not exaggerate ...Amiga III - I'm trying to follow the story ...Amiga I - (Cutting) Why do not you join?Amiga III - If you shut up!Amiga II - Not here who spoke.
(The scene switches to Claudinho house)
Camila - (entering) So you were the pivot of the separation of Claudinho girl ?!Claudinho - Of course not mom ... I just thought wrong, such a young girl marry early.Camila - and could not keep his mouth shut ...Claudinho - It's just not end there. Remember I had an accident? Yeah...
(Resumes the story, now the mother of Claudinho doing medical).
Amiga I - I think she must have given even a foot in Anthony. What do you think?Amiga II - I do not think ... I'm sure is. This horn was scenic.Amiga III - Stop doing bad for our friend ... We all know she's blind love for Anthony. Or you both watch the show or I'm leaving.Amiga I - we are not got used to watch these things ...Amiga II - (Cutting) is usually hidden.Amiga III - What is hidden?Amiga I - This encrypt!Amiga II - worthy of awards.Amiga III - And you two worthy of shame.
Now Claudinho is lying in serving litter. Breathing is the basis of oxygen. Camila wears a Jaleco and is now a doctor.
Nurse - Hello your Claudinho. Its particular doctor wants to see you.Claudinho - But I have no particular doctor.Nurse - Your family must have hired! I'll ask for it to enter and leave alone.Paula - (Come with a medical lab coat and mask) Hi Claudinho!Claudinho - Paula ... You're not a doctor.Paula - I'm also ...Claudinho - How so?Paula - I played one on SATURDAY THE SEVEN show.Claudinho - My God!Paula - How do you make me fall in love ... I bought all the trousseau of our marriage, I did and sent the invitations I received and had to return all the gifts. These things do not make a woman.Claudinho - but did nothing ...Paula - Do not play dumb.Claudinho - You need help.Paula - What these buttons here do?Claudinho - keeps me breathing!Paula - (pressing the buttons) This is for you to feel everything I felt ... when you disappeared also gasped.Claudinho - Help ... Help.Paula - I love Claudinho ...Claudinho - And why are you trying to kill me?Paula - For love!Claudinho - Help ...
(The environment back to the friend).
Amiga I - I always knew that she was unbalanced ... Now dress medical. Quite frankly!Amiga II - This is family ...Amiga III - frankly you two! They do not know how to behave in a theater.Amiga II - I behave I know, but this is not theater ...Amiga I - Is that so?Amiga II - Madness.(Environment in Claudinho house)
Claudinho - Do you understand now why I am running this woman?Camila - If it was not your father come ...Claudinho - (Cutting) Today I was just history.Camila - Son ... that his play was very little time poster. With a meager audience.Claudinho - Copyright.Camila - Copyright also banned the public going to the theater?Claudinho - The scenic quality issues will not argue. But you have to agree that there was always someone in the audience shouting praise.Camila - was an actor hired by the production to cheer you.Claudinho - How so?Camila - A friend of mine ... I pointed to production.Claudinho - and criticism?Camila - Son! I did journalism and have contacts within the major newspapers. It was only a matter of a few phone calls.Claudinho - Sad ...Camila - (Cutting) And this girl is still behind you?Claudinho - Actually it off the map for a while ... But I was in the office ...Amiga I - Copyright ... I know.Amiga II - That piece was not made to make money ...Amiga III - It was bad ...Amiga I - Finally you speak and do not hit.Amiga II - is ... And that came out crying that piece ... I remember!Amiga III - Crying hatred. Now pay attention that is part of the office.Amiga I - What office?Amiga III - He spoke of an office.Amiga II - No longer do theater?Amiga III - I do I know?Amiga I - I ask not offend.
The environment is a typical office. Just roles.
Claudinho - (Sitting) This never hits calculation of shit ...Paula - Hi Claudinho!Claudinho - (Yelling like a woman to come across a cheap) ai, ai, ai, ai ... What do you want here?Paula - Quiet ... I'm just here to ask you apologize for having chased you.Claudinho - (Suspiciously) Okay ... are passé.Paula - left the theater?Claudinho - No ... But I also do production.Paula - Good ... Always on the art!Claudinho - And you?Paula - I'm standing, but with a proposal for a new show. It was very difficult ...Claudinho - (Cutting) Difficult what?Paula - And it was also very difficult to overcome hospitalization ...Claudinho - What hospital?Paula - I was hospitalized with post-partum depression.Claudinho - You never had children!Paula - I had yes! With you in green GRAPES.Claudinho - My God! Not again...Paula - (Cutting) Today I am healed ... and how the staff there will go home to celebrate the five years of the piece ... I came here to invite you and prove you have no resentment.Claudinho - If this is ... All right. Marked!Paula - Eight.Claudinho - Combined.(The friends)Amiga I - This will give shit!Amiga II - You know I think she was cured.Amiga III - She's crazy stone ... Lucky had was the Anthony not marry Paula.Amiga I - (Remember - if) never had any ... AntonioAmiga III - (Surprised) How so?Amiga I - Yesterday I received a book with the history of the show the last ten years here in town. And guess ... Antonio was one of the characters of one of the pieces that Paula participated.Amiga II - Stone Crazy.Claudinho - Understand Mom?Camila - Yes ...
(Showing that it was a theatrical rehearsal, the luzem light general).
Claudinho - So, how was the test?Amiga I - Claudio I liked ...Amiga II - I think it will work.Amiga III - will be a success.Camila - We need more testing.Claudinho - Let's rehearse more then ...Amiga I - What worries me is if Paula discovers ...Claudinho - The point is that it is in the old harbor and besides I changed the name of the characters.Camila - you have everything to work.Amiga I - will mark my return to the theater.Claudinho - I'm happy with all people ... Let's dinner?Amiga III - Come on ... I'm hungry! This test was hard.Amiga II - Someone paid my that after I return.Claudinho - Leave it to me.Camila - Let that little bar around the corner? There always has the best beer and the best price.Amiga I - All right.They took when suddenlyPaula - (Appearing in the middle of the theater audience and pregnant) Hi Claudinho.The light fades to total darkness.
Be, what for, why?
Be, what for, why?
Yuri Montezuma
A psychiatric clinic, a divan in the divan bedside a chair in a corner of the room there is a bookcase with many books on the opposite wall there are small paintings depicting nature, the environment is medium gray, lit almost with a small lamp. The floor is rough and very old wood. In one corner there is a gateway.Ana, a psychologist, thin, hair tied with a rubber band, wears a shirt with sleeves that cover the entire arm, upturned nose with a certain superiority, uses a small glasses that time or another need to adjust in the face with the tip of the middle finger. retro pants mouth type bell and a shoe with wooden soles that every time walking makes a funny noise on the ground.
Paul, actor, tall, with shaggy hair, earrings in both ears, wrinkled blouse and open buttons, big beard, pants to own style, flip-flops, is very busy.
(Paul, standing in the doorway watching the atmosphere with a small cigarette since the end in one hand)
Ana - (Sitting on the chair behind the couch) Good morning Paul ... Come in, sit ...Paul - (Entering and taking one last drag on his cigarette) The day has nothing good ... Art is shit. Art does not ... The taught art sucks.Ana - (Calm and passive) There, behind the books ... has an ashtray. You can put your cigarette there.
Paul - Do you smoke? I did not know ... something new. The strange thing is that I never felt cigarette smell on you.Ana - Do not smoke ...Paul - (Counting) And for what the ashtray?Ana - This? It's toast to gain the association of psychologists in Brazil. They think all of us are smokers and liabilities to have a cancer excess cigarette.Paul - Or by excessive madness.Ana - The madness is not concerned. You do not want to sit?Paul - (that until that moment was standing) Yes of course ...Ana - Is that better?Paul - I am!Ana - As the week?Paul - Overall it was good ... The point is that I am an artist ... Actor.Ana - I know ... And by the way that show that you participate is a success ...Paul - (Cutting) Shit!Ana - I liked ...Paul - (Again cutting) I pity you ... What do not understand ... That does not feel ... I do not live ... Just have the option of liking and disliking. It's frustrating. The theater is more.Ana - You want to talk about it?Paul - (Lying on the couch) study arts or was to study. Already live with the prejudice of being an artist since birth. I remember the first day made a question to the class: What do you want here? I knew what I wanted. Had sat port side, the last chair. The answers started the side windows ... In my room just the right side had windows. It was hellish. The prejudice was great even. The course there was already about four years and still depended on borrowed rooms to study. Every day was a Mexican soap opera ... We're going to block this ... Now we go to another block.Ana - This seems to leave you angry ...Paul - (Cutting) was a kick in the ass! There were forty students ... A room with windows only on one side, a fan that made more noise than eased the heat. How not to get angry, to handle this?Ana - And the question? What do you want here?Paul - Yes, of course. It was kind of funny ... I kind of laugh inside every answer. A girl said she was there to be able to go to TV, novels ... These things. Everyone gave a little smile of his face ... Ironic corner. I do not deny that laughs too ... But I did something for the girl that no one would.Ana - And what is it?Paul - I took the university ...Ana - (Cutting) Why?Paul - Think me doctor ... That creature did not want that ... She wanted to be an actress. The course would not give it to her. Only showed other ports. Most television actors did other courses or have not made any progress. Only drama school or practicing for a long time. If you want to be an actor certainly do not need university for such a feat. Now if you want to be drama teacher you need to be an actor. Practice theater is essential for anyone who needs or wants to follow and drama teacher. The university does not offer that ... On the contrary ... It offers anything but theater. When my turn came to answer ... Some looked at me as if waiting a long answer or something beautiful. In love. Most knew me and knew what I was doing. I looked abobalhadas some guys for a few seconds and said: I'm here for diploma!
Ana - The girl even came out of college? And what was the reaction of colleagues with their response.Paul - (Sitting on the couch, taking a wallet pocket cigarette chest, pulls a cigarette, keep the wallet, looking for a lighter the pockets, has trouble finding, Ana takes a little lighter of one of his pockets and delivery to Paulo ) May I smoke?Ana - (collecting the lighter Paul returns) Feel free ... It is customary to my patients want to smoke during the interval of their speech.(Silence)(Paul is for a moment with his eyes on the horizon, empty, Ana, up from his chair and goes to the bookshelf)
Paul - (Rising and going to the door) The girl held up even a month and then left pro Rio de Janeiro. I believe you are trying to get to TV. Already the face of my colleagues is priceless. Yesterday I was having a few beers with some musician friends ... I'm always for various areas of art. I like that. We were at the peak drinking when one of them touched the subject. He said: The guy will spend four years studying music ... You will learn to read music, put the staid notes on paper. But when the student of the same guy who will be a teacher says he wants to learn to play guitar or anything else, this guy will say it does not ring, but it can help the kid to read sheet music. This is or is not shit?Ana - How so?Paul - (Sitting on the chair behind the couch) I do not want to be a teacher, but also do not want a guy teach theater without knowing theater. You see?Ana - (Sitting on the couch) Art is not being passed on the course?Paul - Art is not learned ... Or you're born with this gift or not born ... What you learn is technique ... that you learn. You can practice a lot and get to know ... to know your body, act ... But art is not taught. What we can do is to develop what already exists in you. I believe there is an artist within each one ... But you need to develop. Not all go to the stage, but can go to lighting, sound, for the rule against costumes fucking ... The question is where it fits. One more thing is certain ... In college all have to practice theater ... Very theater ... If you want to be a teacher of theater ... Why contrary case can leave a patient or student with serious problems in the body ... theater is serious and not a game of jumping jacks ... Damn! You see.
Ana - Of course I understand.Paul - (interpreting a scene without getting up from his chair) These shadows that haunt me in unfocused frames ... dry nights. Here in the darkness of my room, I think what we would accomplish and now proposes death to all of our clan. Damn day that I kissed your mouth and gave you guardhouse. If someone has to die in this house ... we will die impure blood from us. Of rotting skeleton of rotten soul.
Ana - What was that?Paul - It's a scene of my next show ... I had to rehearse and decided to try here. Need a scenic settings.Ana - I understand ... but gain an hour.Paul - Really?Ana - Yes.Paul - (Taking Ana's notebook that was beside the chair) Ana, always wanted to be a psychologist?Ana -. (Lying on the couch) It wanted to be an actress ... I'm jealous every time I watch a show and you on stage. Always suffered pressure to follow the family profession.Paul - (Taking Anna's face and putting glasses on her face) family Job?Ana - is ... I come from a family psychologists. My grandfather was a psychologist who met Freud himself. My uncles were all psychologists, my father, my mother.Paul - This is a situation Freud.Ana - was ten years old when I attended a children's play. At that moment I decided I wanted to be an actress ... I started looking for drama schools, meeting groups, actors, directors.Paul - And why not continue?Ana - At first my parents thought it was kid stuff ... that dazzled me soon return to the family things.Paul - family things?Ana - The family of the things is to understand the other and try to find solutions ... The question that being an artist is not to find solutions but problems. I confess I have a soft spot for trouble! Those you rehearse, fight with the scene colleague to a solution, does and undoes everything just because you did not fit in the context of history.Paul - (Writing down something in the notebook) And what did your family do for you to become a psychologist?Ana - What all families do when they want their children to do. Long live the dreams of parents and bury her. psychological pressure. I tried several times withstand the pressure, but had a time that I could not and I ended up giving way.Paul - and thus accepted the family pressures?Ana - At first I thought it was the best for me ... I finished studies and started working. Soon already had a strong list of patients. Gain a reasonable money and do not have to claim the profession, but I'm not happy about it.Paul - And now, after all ... Have you talked to your family about your life?Ana - Yes ... I talked to my parents about everything and know what they said?Paul - If you do not tell I will not ever know.Ana - What would be better I have followed the career of actress ... I would be happier.Paul - What did you do?Ana - I spent one year in intensive care. I still go to my psychologist to try to understand.Paul - What is the lesson you take it all?Ana - I do not know ...Paul - That we should live our dream and not the other. Including parents. If you follow the dream of others and not his, will stop the psychologist as now.Ana - Now I begin to understand Doctor ... Doctor?Paul - Yes!Ana - You are not a psychologist! Psychologist here I am!Paul - That's true ... The point is that in my next show will do a psychologist ... How had never playing anything like ... I had to do a lab. And nothing better than using our meetings for such work. I know that I will take the good and bad sides of their profession and this is a good thing is not it?Ana - Of course not ... you have not prepared for this practice and it is a fraud.Paul - I'm a fraud, but said everything about their frustrations and anxieties.Ana - I did not mean ... I ...Paul - Understand doctor, we are all a little psychologist, a little football coach, a little doctor, a little teacher.Ana - and artist?Paul - Artist?Ana - Yes ... Artist!Paul - only be able to deal with parents, friends, society and art.Ana - Art?Paul - Yes ... Art.Ana - I thought that art was a well ... An end to breathe.Paul - Art is the beginning of breathlessness. If you then can breathe art nothing can shake your dreams.Ana - And you can conquer the art?Paul - This is funny ... Art conquer us.Ana - So our dreams can be shattered.Paul - What is easy conquest has no value!Ana - I think I'm able to understand what you mean ...Paul - (Cutting) If you do not understand also did not matter ... understand sometimes is not what matters.Ana - This is confusing ...Paul - (Cutting) Doctor how much you earn per query?Ana - (Sitting on the couch) Two hundred per hour ...Paul - (Cutting) My time is sometimes seventy or anything ... It depends on the occasion.Ana - Speaking of your time is over ...Paul - (Cutting) I can come back next week?Ana - Of course just make an appointment with Rita.Paul - Who is Rita?Ana - (Handing a card) My secretary.Paul - I'll call then. Thank you!Ana - Have a good presentation ...Paul - (Cutting) Do not talk like that.Ana - And as we speak?Paul - ShitAna - So ... Shit for you.Paul - Thanks ... (puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a ticket) Take ... Go watch.Ana - Of course I will!Paul - Bye Doctor (Sai).Ana - Bye.
(Ana goes to the table and puts the ticket in the bag, opens a drawer and pulls out a pack of cigarettes smell and throw in the trash, open another drawer and takes out a bottle of wine, put a little into a glass, keep the bottle closed drawers, goes to the bookcase with glass, takes a sip, choose a book, fan your few pages)Ana - (Putting a glass of wine in a corner of the shelf) To be or not to be ... That is the question.(Closes the book and picks up a glass of wine taking in one gulp)Ana - (Looking at the audience with the empty cup in hand) Motherfucker! Not paid the query.(The light fades in intensity to the stage to stay in total darkness)
Yuri Montezuma
A psychiatric clinic, a divan in the divan bedside a chair in a corner of the room there is a bookcase with many books on the opposite wall there are small paintings depicting nature, the environment is medium gray, lit almost with a small lamp. The floor is rough and very old wood. In one corner there is a gateway.Ana, a psychologist, thin, hair tied with a rubber band, wears a shirt with sleeves that cover the entire arm, upturned nose with a certain superiority, uses a small glasses that time or another need to adjust in the face with the tip of the middle finger. retro pants mouth type bell and a shoe with wooden soles that every time walking makes a funny noise on the ground.
Paul, actor, tall, with shaggy hair, earrings in both ears, wrinkled blouse and open buttons, big beard, pants to own style, flip-flops, is very busy.
(Paul, standing in the doorway watching the atmosphere with a small cigarette since the end in one hand)
Ana - (Sitting on the chair behind the couch) Good morning Paul ... Come in, sit ...Paul - (Entering and taking one last drag on his cigarette) The day has nothing good ... Art is shit. Art does not ... The taught art sucks.Ana - (Calm and passive) There, behind the books ... has an ashtray. You can put your cigarette there.
Paul - Do you smoke? I did not know ... something new. The strange thing is that I never felt cigarette smell on you.Ana - Do not smoke ...Paul - (Counting) And for what the ashtray?Ana - This? It's toast to gain the association of psychologists in Brazil. They think all of us are smokers and liabilities to have a cancer excess cigarette.Paul - Or by excessive madness.Ana - The madness is not concerned. You do not want to sit?Paul - (that until that moment was standing) Yes of course ...Ana - Is that better?Paul - I am!Ana - As the week?Paul - Overall it was good ... The point is that I am an artist ... Actor.Ana - I know ... And by the way that show that you participate is a success ...Paul - (Cutting) Shit!Ana - I liked ...Paul - (Again cutting) I pity you ... What do not understand ... That does not feel ... I do not live ... Just have the option of liking and disliking. It's frustrating. The theater is more.Ana - You want to talk about it?Paul - (Lying on the couch) study arts or was to study. Already live with the prejudice of being an artist since birth. I remember the first day made a question to the class: What do you want here? I knew what I wanted. Had sat port side, the last chair. The answers started the side windows ... In my room just the right side had windows. It was hellish. The prejudice was great even. The course there was already about four years and still depended on borrowed rooms to study. Every day was a Mexican soap opera ... We're going to block this ... Now we go to another block.Ana - This seems to leave you angry ...Paul - (Cutting) was a kick in the ass! There were forty students ... A room with windows only on one side, a fan that made more noise than eased the heat. How not to get angry, to handle this?Ana - And the question? What do you want here?Paul - Yes, of course. It was kind of funny ... I kind of laugh inside every answer. A girl said she was there to be able to go to TV, novels ... These things. Everyone gave a little smile of his face ... Ironic corner. I do not deny that laughs too ... But I did something for the girl that no one would.Ana - And what is it?Paul - I took the university ...Ana - (Cutting) Why?Paul - Think me doctor ... That creature did not want that ... She wanted to be an actress. The course would not give it to her. Only showed other ports. Most television actors did other courses or have not made any progress. Only drama school or practicing for a long time. If you want to be an actor certainly do not need university for such a feat. Now if you want to be drama teacher you need to be an actor. Practice theater is essential for anyone who needs or wants to follow and drama teacher. The university does not offer that ... On the contrary ... It offers anything but theater. When my turn came to answer ... Some looked at me as if waiting a long answer or something beautiful. In love. Most knew me and knew what I was doing. I looked abobalhadas some guys for a few seconds and said: I'm here for diploma!
Ana - The girl even came out of college? And what was the reaction of colleagues with their response.Paul - (Sitting on the couch, taking a wallet pocket cigarette chest, pulls a cigarette, keep the wallet, looking for a lighter the pockets, has trouble finding, Ana takes a little lighter of one of his pockets and delivery to Paulo ) May I smoke?Ana - (collecting the lighter Paul returns) Feel free ... It is customary to my patients want to smoke during the interval of their speech.(Silence)(Paul is for a moment with his eyes on the horizon, empty, Ana, up from his chair and goes to the bookshelf)
Paul - (Rising and going to the door) The girl held up even a month and then left pro Rio de Janeiro. I believe you are trying to get to TV. Already the face of my colleagues is priceless. Yesterday I was having a few beers with some musician friends ... I'm always for various areas of art. I like that. We were at the peak drinking when one of them touched the subject. He said: The guy will spend four years studying music ... You will learn to read music, put the staid notes on paper. But when the student of the same guy who will be a teacher says he wants to learn to play guitar or anything else, this guy will say it does not ring, but it can help the kid to read sheet music. This is or is not shit?Ana - How so?Paul - (Sitting on the chair behind the couch) I do not want to be a teacher, but also do not want a guy teach theater without knowing theater. You see?Ana - (Sitting on the couch) Art is not being passed on the course?Paul - Art is not learned ... Or you're born with this gift or not born ... What you learn is technique ... that you learn. You can practice a lot and get to know ... to know your body, act ... But art is not taught. What we can do is to develop what already exists in you. I believe there is an artist within each one ... But you need to develop. Not all go to the stage, but can go to lighting, sound, for the rule against costumes fucking ... The question is where it fits. One more thing is certain ... In college all have to practice theater ... Very theater ... If you want to be a teacher of theater ... Why contrary case can leave a patient or student with serious problems in the body ... theater is serious and not a game of jumping jacks ... Damn! You see.
Ana - Of course I understand.Paul - (interpreting a scene without getting up from his chair) These shadows that haunt me in unfocused frames ... dry nights. Here in the darkness of my room, I think what we would accomplish and now proposes death to all of our clan. Damn day that I kissed your mouth and gave you guardhouse. If someone has to die in this house ... we will die impure blood from us. Of rotting skeleton of rotten soul.
Ana - What was that?Paul - It's a scene of my next show ... I had to rehearse and decided to try here. Need a scenic settings.Ana - I understand ... but gain an hour.Paul - Really?Ana - Yes.Paul - (Taking Ana's notebook that was beside the chair) Ana, always wanted to be a psychologist?Ana -. (Lying on the couch) It wanted to be an actress ... I'm jealous every time I watch a show and you on stage. Always suffered pressure to follow the family profession.Paul - (Taking Anna's face and putting glasses on her face) family Job?Ana - is ... I come from a family psychologists. My grandfather was a psychologist who met Freud himself. My uncles were all psychologists, my father, my mother.Paul - This is a situation Freud.Ana - was ten years old when I attended a children's play. At that moment I decided I wanted to be an actress ... I started looking for drama schools, meeting groups, actors, directors.Paul - And why not continue?Ana - At first my parents thought it was kid stuff ... that dazzled me soon return to the family things.Paul - family things?Ana - The family of the things is to understand the other and try to find solutions ... The question that being an artist is not to find solutions but problems. I confess I have a soft spot for trouble! Those you rehearse, fight with the scene colleague to a solution, does and undoes everything just because you did not fit in the context of history.Paul - (Writing down something in the notebook) And what did your family do for you to become a psychologist?Ana - What all families do when they want their children to do. Long live the dreams of parents and bury her. psychological pressure. I tried several times withstand the pressure, but had a time that I could not and I ended up giving way.Paul - and thus accepted the family pressures?Ana - At first I thought it was the best for me ... I finished studies and started working. Soon already had a strong list of patients. Gain a reasonable money and do not have to claim the profession, but I'm not happy about it.Paul - And now, after all ... Have you talked to your family about your life?Ana - Yes ... I talked to my parents about everything and know what they said?Paul - If you do not tell I will not ever know.Ana - What would be better I have followed the career of actress ... I would be happier.Paul - What did you do?Ana - I spent one year in intensive care. I still go to my psychologist to try to understand.Paul - What is the lesson you take it all?Ana - I do not know ...Paul - That we should live our dream and not the other. Including parents. If you follow the dream of others and not his, will stop the psychologist as now.Ana - Now I begin to understand Doctor ... Doctor?Paul - Yes!Ana - You are not a psychologist! Psychologist here I am!Paul - That's true ... The point is that in my next show will do a psychologist ... How had never playing anything like ... I had to do a lab. And nothing better than using our meetings for such work. I know that I will take the good and bad sides of their profession and this is a good thing is not it?Ana - Of course not ... you have not prepared for this practice and it is a fraud.Paul - I'm a fraud, but said everything about their frustrations and anxieties.Ana - I did not mean ... I ...Paul - Understand doctor, we are all a little psychologist, a little football coach, a little doctor, a little teacher.Ana - and artist?Paul - Artist?Ana - Yes ... Artist!Paul - only be able to deal with parents, friends, society and art.Ana - Art?Paul - Yes ... Art.Ana - I thought that art was a well ... An end to breathe.Paul - Art is the beginning of breathlessness. If you then can breathe art nothing can shake your dreams.Ana - And you can conquer the art?Paul - This is funny ... Art conquer us.Ana - So our dreams can be shattered.Paul - What is easy conquest has no value!Ana - I think I'm able to understand what you mean ...Paul - (Cutting) If you do not understand also did not matter ... understand sometimes is not what matters.Ana - This is confusing ...Paul - (Cutting) Doctor how much you earn per query?Ana - (Sitting on the couch) Two hundred per hour ...Paul - (Cutting) My time is sometimes seventy or anything ... It depends on the occasion.Ana - Speaking of your time is over ...Paul - (Cutting) I can come back next week?Ana - Of course just make an appointment with Rita.Paul - Who is Rita?Ana - (Handing a card) My secretary.Paul - I'll call then. Thank you!Ana - Have a good presentation ...Paul - (Cutting) Do not talk like that.Ana - And as we speak?Paul - ShitAna - So ... Shit for you.Paul - Thanks ... (puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a ticket) Take ... Go watch.Ana - Of course I will!Paul - Bye Doctor (Sai).Ana - Bye.
(Ana goes to the table and puts the ticket in the bag, opens a drawer and pulls out a pack of cigarettes smell and throw in the trash, open another drawer and takes out a bottle of wine, put a little into a glass, keep the bottle closed drawers, goes to the bookcase with glass, takes a sip, choose a book, fan your few pages)Ana - (Putting a glass of wine in a corner of the shelf) To be or not to be ... That is the question.(Closes the book and picks up a glass of wine taking in one gulp)Ana - (Looking at the audience with the empty cup in hand) Motherfucker! Not paid the query.(The light fades in intensity to the stage to stay in total darkness)
The Work and Art
The Work and ArtYuri Montezuma
An exhibition of famous painters. Da Vinci, Monet, Picasso, among others. At the center is a contemporary artist holding a roll of toilet paper written art. Observers enter the room and enough praise to the already known works, but ignore the artist and his scroll. A group of friends into the room and rather praise the most famous works and enter into discussion on the concept of the artist's art.The characters are not appointed to freedom of assembly.- Picasso is fantastic. Your link the historical context of the world makes us wonder. A true artist.- I already disagree with you. The most mysterious work is the Da Vinci ... He could leave us curious and go in search of answer to other stocks, other worlds.- Already I am Monet fan ...- (The other two) Who was Monet?- Monet? Now ... Monet Monet was ... The guy who painted this picture that you see. Silly question ... You know Picasso and Da Vinci, but do not know Monet. Absurd.- And you know this guy Monet?- Of course ... But let's put silly (looking at the fourth friend) and you like who?- Hélio Melo.- (The previous three contemptuously) And since when Acre artist deserves to be valued the same as Monet, Picasso or Da Vinci?- (The fourth friend) is not a question of wanting to match or want to be better, superior, but it is a matter of knowing that here too there are good artists. Painting, writing or acting. Here also you have art.- I know art ...- Let's finish this discussion of artistic tastes that I have much more important things to show you.- What's it?- Look at that man standing holding one roll of toilet paper written art.- This is a complete nonsense ...- Nonsense ...- An offense ...- A masterpiece...- (The three) This! A masterpiece.- (The first) A what?- Work of art!- (The three) You're crazy!- First like Helio Melo and says here are good artists.- What we should value these sayings good artists.- What is art here.- (The three) Crazy ...- And in the women's bathroom is missing paper and this one with a full roll.- He should use very ...- And here's even a weird smell ... seems rotten egg.- I do not ask you to agree with me ... Everyone has his taste and knowledge in relation to art. What we see here is contemporary art.- Contemporary art!- Like!- Knowledge!- Friends thought we were coming here to enjoy art in its many faces and not end our friendship.- No one came close anything!- Only we think contemporary art is what the paper roll shows.- That's right ... a turd!- I did not say that ... I mean it's meaningless.- So for you art should make sense?- (The three) YesEnters the room a lady of loose hair, sunglasses, high heels, thin. Notes the discussion of the four for a moment and decided to intervene.- Sorry ladies, but was watching you argue about what is or is not art. I would like to participate in this coversa if I may.- Of course ... A fifth opinion is always welcome.- Why all this fight?- Look around ... Here is the most famous artists in the world. For the first time we have here in Acre an exhibition of this size. Our friend here is saying that this young man, muscular, tall, young and this volume here! It's art.- What volume?- The role ... I thought it was what?- Nothing ... But you said volume with a face ...- Pain in the stomach ... that I feel every time I have to look for it.- Ladies do not go out of focus.- You're right. Let us focus. Told my friends that contemporary art does exist and that boy holding the toilet paper with written ART, it shows that the artist made this role is to do more than what was developed.- Clean the ass so yes! The only work he does.- Following the concept of the contemporary artist transforms the art, I can say that this is a work of art.- Get it now...- I already understood!- Wait a minute ... Are you saying that here is art?- Yes!- To be or not to be? That is the question in the midst of turmoil and so much confusion!- See?- What?- You just make art!- But I used the famous phrase of that famous English author ...- Molière ...- Crosses ... Molière was France.- That's not important right now. The important thing is that the work has been transformed into other work and now is no longer what it was.- What the hell is this woman saying?- I do not know, but I agree and now say that the boy with the paper is art!- It was you who said that contemporary art was a turd?- Of course it was, but after the enlightened factors, theorems, conclusions and learning ... I see that here is also art.- Glad to understand ... Now I think we know that there are several concepts of art ... Right?- Okay nothing ... That's just a boy holding a paper and is not art.- I think so ... In the art has to mess with us ... something we can do reflection ... Bring something good home. Now this! The only thing I take home is a real desire to run to the bathroom.- But it is still a reflection.- Well, I will not be I who will put on the head of you what is or is not art. I'll be going to the second part of the exhibition, which shows completely naked men and women. With nothing to cover their sexes. Good day. (leaves)- This is a shame...- The acriana family should be spared such nonsense ...- An attack on the right people.- I'll watch the second part of the exhibition ... I (Sai)- You know girls ... I will also. (Sai chasing the other two)- And will you look at those naked bodies?- I think I'll stick around. I am a family person ...- I think we should go also watch to be able to criticize and weave our opinion.- I also think!- Let's go?- Let's go!- Wait a minute ... This phrase go, go is Waiting for Godot Becket?- Yes!- Then we transform the work!- And we end with art.- But ...- Shut up (out)Enter an employee of the building where the exhibition takes place and walks toward the boy with toilet paper.- Armando what are you doing here?- (Clumsy half) I just came through the exhibition hall and felt an urge to let out a fart.- I have nothing with your intestinal problems! About an hour ago I sent you get toilet paper to put in the ladies room and so far nothing.- Well then ... I could not stand and I slipped the prisoner pum.- And what's that?- Stank ...- Is that why you took?- No ... I was ashamed of those ladies. I pulled the pen from his pocket and wrote here the word ART. I stood like a statue ... as if I were part of the exhibition.- My God! You blew it ... The contemporary art exhibition is in the other room ... Here is just display of classic works.- I tried to escape, but they cismaram me ... They argued that the paper was or was not art.- I hope you in the HR ... It will take a warning.- Because?- For illegal practice of art!- And has it?- It is a standard that we create today, now, this very moment. (leaves)- Just turn artist to start being reproached. (Take a piece of toilet paper Assua the nose, light fades to the B.O)
An exhibition of famous painters. Da Vinci, Monet, Picasso, among others. At the center is a contemporary artist holding a roll of toilet paper written art. Observers enter the room and enough praise to the already known works, but ignore the artist and his scroll. A group of friends into the room and rather praise the most famous works and enter into discussion on the concept of the artist's art.The characters are not appointed to freedom of assembly.- Picasso is fantastic. Your link the historical context of the world makes us wonder. A true artist.- I already disagree with you. The most mysterious work is the Da Vinci ... He could leave us curious and go in search of answer to other stocks, other worlds.- Already I am Monet fan ...- (The other two) Who was Monet?- Monet? Now ... Monet Monet was ... The guy who painted this picture that you see. Silly question ... You know Picasso and Da Vinci, but do not know Monet. Absurd.- And you know this guy Monet?- Of course ... But let's put silly (looking at the fourth friend) and you like who?- Hélio Melo.- (The previous three contemptuously) And since when Acre artist deserves to be valued the same as Monet, Picasso or Da Vinci?- (The fourth friend) is not a question of wanting to match or want to be better, superior, but it is a matter of knowing that here too there are good artists. Painting, writing or acting. Here also you have art.- I know art ...- Let's finish this discussion of artistic tastes that I have much more important things to show you.- What's it?- Look at that man standing holding one roll of toilet paper written art.- This is a complete nonsense ...- Nonsense ...- An offense ...- A masterpiece...- (The three) This! A masterpiece.- (The first) A what?- Work of art!- (The three) You're crazy!- First like Helio Melo and says here are good artists.- What we should value these sayings good artists.- What is art here.- (The three) Crazy ...- And in the women's bathroom is missing paper and this one with a full roll.- He should use very ...- And here's even a weird smell ... seems rotten egg.- I do not ask you to agree with me ... Everyone has his taste and knowledge in relation to art. What we see here is contemporary art.- Contemporary art!- Like!- Knowledge!- Friends thought we were coming here to enjoy art in its many faces and not end our friendship.- No one came close anything!- Only we think contemporary art is what the paper roll shows.- That's right ... a turd!- I did not say that ... I mean it's meaningless.- So for you art should make sense?- (The three) YesEnters the room a lady of loose hair, sunglasses, high heels, thin. Notes the discussion of the four for a moment and decided to intervene.- Sorry ladies, but was watching you argue about what is or is not art. I would like to participate in this coversa if I may.- Of course ... A fifth opinion is always welcome.- Why all this fight?- Look around ... Here is the most famous artists in the world. For the first time we have here in Acre an exhibition of this size. Our friend here is saying that this young man, muscular, tall, young and this volume here! It's art.- What volume?- The role ... I thought it was what?- Nothing ... But you said volume with a face ...- Pain in the stomach ... that I feel every time I have to look for it.- Ladies do not go out of focus.- You're right. Let us focus. Told my friends that contemporary art does exist and that boy holding the toilet paper with written ART, it shows that the artist made this role is to do more than what was developed.- Clean the ass so yes! The only work he does.- Following the concept of the contemporary artist transforms the art, I can say that this is a work of art.- Get it now...- I already understood!- Wait a minute ... Are you saying that here is art?- Yes!- To be or not to be? That is the question in the midst of turmoil and so much confusion!- See?- What?- You just make art!- But I used the famous phrase of that famous English author ...- Molière ...- Crosses ... Molière was France.- That's not important right now. The important thing is that the work has been transformed into other work and now is no longer what it was.- What the hell is this woman saying?- I do not know, but I agree and now say that the boy with the paper is art!- It was you who said that contemporary art was a turd?- Of course it was, but after the enlightened factors, theorems, conclusions and learning ... I see that here is also art.- Glad to understand ... Now I think we know that there are several concepts of art ... Right?- Okay nothing ... That's just a boy holding a paper and is not art.- I think so ... In the art has to mess with us ... something we can do reflection ... Bring something good home. Now this! The only thing I take home is a real desire to run to the bathroom.- But it is still a reflection.- Well, I will not be I who will put on the head of you what is or is not art. I'll be going to the second part of the exhibition, which shows completely naked men and women. With nothing to cover their sexes. Good day. (leaves)- This is a shame...- The acriana family should be spared such nonsense ...- An attack on the right people.- I'll watch the second part of the exhibition ... I (Sai)- You know girls ... I will also. (Sai chasing the other two)- And will you look at those naked bodies?- I think I'll stick around. I am a family person ...- I think we should go also watch to be able to criticize and weave our opinion.- I also think!- Let's go?- Let's go!- Wait a minute ... This phrase go, go is Waiting for Godot Becket?- Yes!- Then we transform the work!- And we end with art.- But ...- Shut up (out)Enter an employee of the building where the exhibition takes place and walks toward the boy with toilet paper.- Armando what are you doing here?- (Clumsy half) I just came through the exhibition hall and felt an urge to let out a fart.- I have nothing with your intestinal problems! About an hour ago I sent you get toilet paper to put in the ladies room and so far nothing.- Well then ... I could not stand and I slipped the prisoner pum.- And what's that?- Stank ...- Is that why you took?- No ... I was ashamed of those ladies. I pulled the pen from his pocket and wrote here the word ART. I stood like a statue ... as if I were part of the exhibition.- My God! You blew it ... The contemporary art exhibition is in the other room ... Here is just display of classic works.- I tried to escape, but they cismaram me ... They argued that the paper was or was not art.- I hope you in the HR ... It will take a warning.- Because?- For illegal practice of art!- And has it?- It is a standard that we create today, now, this very moment. (leaves)- Just turn artist to start being reproached. (Take a piece of toilet paper Assua the nose, light fades to the B.O)
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